Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012

With A Twist

So. i would there been something on my mind for the longest time about stories in entertainment in general (movies,Video Games,books etc..). The thing in many stories there always comes a point where the stories takes all the sudden twist. My question is does a twist in a story make it a good story?

Some Examples

Just to summarize it
In the Bionic Commando the government takes the main charcter Nathan Spencer out of jail in order to quell a rebellion of former bionic soliders. the governement tell him that they would tell him what happened to his wife and where she is located. through a series of even the Nathan find out that his bionic arm is actually his WIFE!!. surprise

although it is a somewhat interesting it never really made any sense add on the fact the game it self was lackluster.

The game starts out during a war between two sides the jedi and the sith lead by to men revan and Malak. in the beginning of the story revan is said to be killed after Malak betrays him and fires on his ship
In "KOTOR" the main character is newly recruited jedi and normally the council would train a person is already pass the a very young age most of council agreed that your a "special case". through the game your main objective is stop malak from finding a WMD called the star forge. 60 Hours later and 5 planets later of chasing malak you find out that revan never died and in fact the main character is revan

Altough the game had a really good twist it was good even without that sudden plot change. the twist at the end just made it better.

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